When we go to South Sulawesi, the first thing that comes to mind is the city of Makassar and Losari. Many people don't know that in the south of South Sulawesi, there is a Bantaeng disctrics with all its beauty. The nicknamed of this distric called Butta Toa.

Located 120 kilometers from Makassar make Bantaeng tucked away from the hegemony of the other major cities in the province. In fact, when talking about the beauty, cleanliness, and the governance of the city, the level of resident satisfaction, anyone who has visited this small town will not hesitate to call Bantaeng as an incredible little town.

Starting from the roads to the beaches are amazing.

When entering the city Bantaeng, vehicle vibration due to damaged roads when crossing other districts will hardly we find here. The road atmosphere surrounded by large trees to make comfortable the more complete the trip, especially the cleanliness and beauty of the city are well maintained by the local government.

The beauty Bantaeng increasingly complete with a stunning two main beaches, Marina Beach and Seruni Beach.

Source : http://stafbupatikabupatenbantaeng.blogspot.co.id/

The beauty of the beach and the development which continues to be developed, it could beat Losari beach popularity. Both beaches is ready to become the main of tourism reference in South Sulawesi.

Source : http://stafbupatikabupatenbantaeng.blogspot.co.id/
Marina beach is located at the end Bantaeng (near the border with Bulukumba) is a modern coastal tourist destinations. The beach is equipped with facilities that are not owned by other districts in the province outside of Makassar.

In this area there are gas stations, mosques, hotels and beautiful landscape. Formerly, the beach called Korong Bangkeng Beach that is very rarely visited. We try to go there now and feel the sensation.

In this area we can also find an International Labor Training Centers (Balai Latihan Tenaga Kerja/BLK) was built by Bantaeng district government cooperation with Toyota. BLK would eventually produce people to become ready to use in a number of industries, including Toyota.

Not only automotive, even cullinary class will be opened in this place. Similarly, hospitality and much more.
Source : http://bantaeng-tourism.com/btg/
About the hotels, don't worry, in the Marina there are several hotels that are professionally managed by local counterparts. The price with a number of facilities on offer is quite reasonable for anyone.

Shifted to the city Bantaeng, there Seruni Beach beach that is equally astounding. Coastal reclamation is like a green tree in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Formerly, this place is just the usual beach that is not much visited by tourists.
Now, Seruni Beach is a very beautiful beach with all comfort. If at Losari there are many street singers and the parking fee is expensive, but in Seruni Beach you will not find anything like it.

Disturbance singers would never have encountered at this location. Fields with lush green lawns and is located right next to the beach complements the beauty. Cosiness visitors is a top priority of Bantaeng government.

Every corner will be easily met Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol-PP) guard. Visitors even freely enjoy sunrise or sunset unobstructed at this location.

Seruni Beach in Coast region also stands firmly with large regional hospital. Hospitals that even districts buffer Gowa and Maros Makassar such was not necessarily possess.

About snacks, this area serves a variety of light snacks and typical. Hangout places young people is also provided. Even whenwe visit to this place, being built floating restaurant transparent. So anyone who eats thereon able to look out freely.

The mosque also there, even it being built. Especially sports facilities, in addition to the large parade ground, a basketball court and playing tennis are also provided. Everything is free to be used by the residents at any time.
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